Here is an other recent project, full schematic etc of a gadget that displays a smiley face on a 5×7 matrix led screen which sings along with the music around.

Here is an other recent project, full schematic etc of a gadget that displays a smiley face on a 5×7 matrix led screen which sings along with the music around.
Gamen is a gaming device with stereo sound&voice capability, 128×64 graphics LCD display, suitable for one or two player games.
It also has got temperature sensor and real time clock. The device is powered by a PIC 18f4620 microcontroller and has additional eeprom for future needs.
There are several games available for the device including snake, pong, tetris, picman and tic tac toe. New ones are under development.
Read More Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Here is the first complete product project of endtas. It is LED headlight for bicycles. It has got two 1W leds, one with a wide angle and the other with a narrow beam angle lens.
The wide lens is a bit turned towards the ground to light up nearby ahead and the other straight ahead for greater distance lighting.
This is a microprocessor controlled inttelligent light with 9 lighting modes.
1. Double 5mm led flash
2. Double 1W leds triple flash
3. Double 1W leds continuous flash
4. Continuous power 1st grade + flash/2seconds
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