My recent project is a first in the world. As far as i’ve searched, I didnt be able to find a similar product. See the video for its operation details.
STL files for the body and bike handlebar mount kit is included in the article.
Read MoreMy recent project is a first in the world. As far as i’ve searched, I didnt be able to find a similar product. See the video for its operation details.
STL files for the body and bike handlebar mount kit is included in the article.
Read MoreHere is an other bicycle product.
There are already some products in the market that combines mp3 playing and a headlight but although china originated they are a bit too expensive. on the other hand, there are many headlights, hand torches and mp3 players which all are very cheap.
So I’ve concentrated on this deep 🙂 issue and designed an mp3-headlight-torch suitable both for bike as well as manual usage by using the parts of products which are already present abundantly and cheaply at the market.
First I’ve bought several cheap mp3 players. They are around 12$ in İstanbul and their performance is quite good, they even have radios and equilizers. 🙂
Read More Pages: 1 2 3 4 5This product is aimed to be used on bikes, but can be used elsewhere where a small solar panel attachment is needed. The part is quite strong & sturdy , able to carry up to 1kg with ease.
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