This is a 3d printable usb power bank for daily use. It has a 18650 battery inside and a charger module which both can be purchased online. Continue reading for more information and STL files for the parts.
Read More Pages: 1 2We’ve made this project as a development platform for a small electric vehicle. We’ve made it with a fiat 126 form as you know we are great fiat 126 enthusiasts. The circuitry is made in a way which makes it possible to be used both in a scaled down model car as well as a larger, load or passenger carrying vehicle. It can communicate with different motor drivers, DC or servo motors.
For more information and images, please continue reading.
Read More Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7I’ve improved the design of my retro handheld game console.
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Read More Pages: 1 2This is a 3d printable design which can house different electronic circuit boards. In its standard size it can house a 70mm x 100mm PCB.
Top and bottom halves of the boxes are identical. There is only one STL file for the box and it can be used both as the bottom or the top halve. There are many vents and holes to cool the interior electronics. There is also a simpler version without the holes & vents.
Read More Pages: 1 2 3 4 5This product and project is aimed to be used in vehicles for generating turbo and various other sound effects.
Read more for downloading the product case STL files for 3d printing, CCS C source codes, Proteus simulation, circuit schematic and PCB layout files and also 70 different sound effects I’ve found on the net and especially prepared for this project.
Read More Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9I’d published a product for mounting mp3 players to bikes some months ago. Recently I’ve resized it, converted its locking mechanism to a double lock for added strength and printed one, by using an UP printer. I’ve assembled it to my folding bike with the mp3 player that i’ve bought from the market for just 14$. The design turned out to be nice, performed its duty well, holding the mp3 player in place at the same time directing its sounds towards the rider. Though the speakers of the player were at the sides, the sound was being distributed to the sides and music was a bit difficult to hear without redirection.
now sound is good. The STL files are at the end of the article for the ones who want to print their own product.
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