We’ve made this project as a development platform for a small electric vehicle. We’ve made it with a fiat 126 form as you know we are great fiat 126 enthusiasts. The circuitry is made in a way which makes it possible to be used both in a scaled down model car as well as a larger, load or passenger carrying vehicle. It can communicate with different motor drivers, DC or servo motors.
For more information and images, please continue reading.
Here are the 3d renderings of the 126 body and chassis

If preferred, the terrace layer of the chassis and its 4 legs can be omitted and 3d printed seats can be installed in their place. You can use the seats in our previous 126 toy project. There is also a dashboard and steering wheel in the same project which you can freely download, scale up and use in this one. Enjoy. Info about the 126 car body follows at the next page.
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