The Gotland-class submarines of the Swedish Navy are modern diesel-electric submarines, which were designed and built by the Kockumsshipyard in Sweden. They are the first submarines in the world to feature a Stirling engineair-independent propulsion (AIP) system, which extends their underwater endurance from a few days to weeks. This capability had previously only been available with nuclear-powered submarines. Read More on Wikipedia.

I modeled the sub to be easily printable. Also made the newer swedish sub A26 with its distinctive sail design.

You can download a multi piece, hi rez STL file package by making a small contribution to our site FROM THIS LINK. This package includes both the standard Gotland design as well as the newer A26. And before purchasing, check the special offer for the 5 submarine bundle below.

Or you can download the high rezolution single piece STL file of the standard Gotland class below.

Here is the free hirez file.