Parts from a cheap hand torch or circuitry given in our intelligent bike light project can be used for manufacturing this product along with a cylindirical mp3 player similar to the ones above. I’m sure you can find them around you, they are sold everywhere on the globe. 😀
Meanwhile I’ve completed assemby of the first prototype to actually see all the problems. Well it turned out to be not too many, enabling me to assemble it into a solid product. I was planning to put extra batteries inside to make power systems of the mp3 player and the light be diffferent. But due to limited interior space I’ve looked for a way to use the mp3’s present battery for both purposes. I’ve disassembled the player, soldered a pair of wires to the battery terminals and took the power out for the light. I’ve drilled a hole at the mp3 player to let the cables out.
Here are some assembly photos
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