The Paltus-class submarine is a Russian special purpose mini-submarine of project 1851.1. Two boats were completed – AS-21 and AS-35 as a follow up of the single “X-Ray”-class boat AS-23 (Project 1851).
The surface displacement is approximately 300 tons with a length of 98 feet (30 m). The propulsion comes from nuclear power with the operating depth in excess of 3,800 feet (1,200 m). The designer, according to Polmar was Sergei Bavilin who had designed the earlier diesel electric Project 865/Piranya small submarine of similar dimensions
Continue reading for more renderings and STL files for 3d printing this sub.
The 3d model is made specificly for 3d printing with details strong enough for easy printing. Hulls of the submarine may be glued together or left as they are easily separatable to show the interior.

If your printer can print fine enough, go for the smaller grips, if you have a rougher FDM printer, you can try the larger grippers. A short piece of wire is needed for the gripper axles, or you can glue them to a fixed gripping position.

You can download a hi-resolution STL file for the submarine at the next page.
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